Phoenix Enterprises (Rotherham) Ltd. is a government-established non-profit organisation that assists people in searching for and finding a job. It offers them counseling, support and advice in the broadest sense of the word, like a service for compiling resumes. The responsibilities of organisations such as Phoenix Enterprises include sending resumes of registered persons to potential employers. This should be done in a secure manner. After intensive research, Phoenix Enterprises decided to use SecureZIP for Windows Desktop for this purpose. They have selected SRC Secure Solutions as a partner because of their broad experience with SecureZIP.

"SecureZIP for Windows Desktop with Outlook integration is a huge success globally for PKWARE. We are thrilled by the success in the Benelux, and this is being replicated across the EMEA region" said David Wyatt, Vice President of EMEA for PKWARE. "The increased pressure from compliance and regulatory organisations, means that PKWARE can have a huge impact by providing data-centric security; meaning that data is protected inside and outside the organisation and across computing platforms. Our customers reap the benefits of significant storage cost savings and mitigate the risk associated with a breach while meeting compliance."

SecureZIP for Windows Desktop automatically secures email traffic from desktops and laptops. SRC Secure Solutions has assisted Phoenix with the installation configuration of the software. "Phoenix Enterprises had decided to secure both the emails and the attachments and to use digital certificates for the authentication of both. They made use of the contingency key capability for audit or recovery purposes; providing a mechanism by which they could keep control of the data within their enterprise."

By now, Phoenix Enterprises has several months of experience with SecureZIP and they have been extremely positive about the product. The teething problems they had with the use of digital certificates, with which Phoenix had little or no experience and for which some internal measures were required, were satisfactorily resolved with the help of SRC Secure Solutions. Meanwhile, Phoenix Enterprises (Rotherham) has decided to further roll out SecureZIP for Windows Desktop.